
  1. Recharge 2021 Lodie


An uncomplicated song

Verse: 01
Sitting in the sun waiting for the evening to come,
writing this song ‘till the day is done.
A beautiful blue sky, the greenery smells lovely,
to be in hills is a treat, a real recovery.

Bridge: 01
Away from the world, yes away form the stress,
to be with your love ones is a holly bless,
to feel the warmness of the sun, on your skin,
to recharge the battery, for a new begin.

Well, you know we live in a world out of order,
ruled by megalomaniacs with a mental disorder.

Verse: 02
What is wrong with so many people these days.
They are afraid of an overdone disease.
Be better afraid to loose your freedom,
or there will be more…more creepy things to come.

Bridge: 02
So use your time to reinvent yourself,
don’t be an unread book on a dusty shelf.
Are you a follower or a self-thinking human being,
dive into the deep and not only sightseeing.

And If you do not see it by now,
then you are a lost soul, empty and hollow.

So many clues, yet so many people fooled

Words&Music: Lodie…

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